About this item:
In healthcare facilities, ensuring the safe disposal of infectious and hazardous waste is paramount to protecting both healthcare workers and the environment. KS-Seal provides airtight protection, facilitating secure disposal and mitigating risks with a closed-system solution. Adhering to guidelines, it ensures safe waste management, preventing the spread of odors and aerosols.
Safeguarding Health with Secure Waste Disposal!
Minimize Cross-Contamination with Workbench Integration
KS-Seal system seamlessly integrates with Kapsam cabinets and PharmaScope Onco Compounding System, enabling convenient waste disposal within the safe workspace. Integrated with cabinet automation, it enables monitoring foil length and receiving alerts before depletion of foil cassete for uninterrupted operations, ensuring a seamless and safe workflow.
Product Specifications:
Product Code: KS-Seal
Brand Name: Kapsam